I realized that I've been doing mostly Lolita stuff lately so I found these really pretty Victorian gloves for a change of pace. They're from the Gentleman's Emporium...
Kana is a Japanese pop/rock singer that has some pretty sick style. Before her career in music, she was a model for Gothic & Lolia Bible magazine. I first heard her music in a scene hair video on You Tube. The song is called "Hebi-Ichigo" and I suggest you give it a listen. Her voice is kind of an acquired taste, but I pinky swear it's worth listening to ^__^
These are some really great books, to say the very least. They have an assload of pictures and a lot of other cool shit. Plus the covers are really adorable....
Get it on Amazon.com now: Volume 1- http://tinyurl.com/6apnp9 Volume 2- http://tinyurl.com/58bpd4